الاثنين، 20 فبراير 2012

جميع الإختصارات الأجنبيه

جميع الإختصارات الأجنبيه
حروف و كلمات )

AA - against actuals

AAPP - average all pig price 
ABB - Association des Banques Belges
ABI - Association of Italian Bankers
AE - account executive
AFBD - Association of Futures Brokers and Dealers
AFFM - Austrlian Financial Futures Market
AFOF - authorised futures and options funds
AIBD - Association of International Bond Dealers
AON - all or none
AMEX - American Stock Exchange
AOM - Australian Options Market
APT - automated pit trading system
AP - associated person
ASTM - American Society for Testing Materials
ASX - Australian Stock Exchange
ASXD - Australian Stock Exchange Derivatives
ATA - Agrarische Termijnmarkt Amsterdam
ATM - at-the-money
ATS - automated trade system
ATX - Austrian Traded Index
BBA - British Bankers Association
BBA - Belgian Bankers' Association
BBAISR - British Bankers Association Interest Settlement Rate
BBF - Bolsa Brasileira de Futuros
BCC - Banque Centrale de Compensation
Belfox - Belgian Futures abd Options Exchange
BFE - Baltic Futures Exchange
BFI - Baltic Freight Index
BIS - Bank for International Settlements
BM&ampF - Bolsade Mercadorias and Futuros Exchange
Bobl - bundesobligation
BOJ - Bank of Japan
BOVESPA - Bolsas de Valores de Sao Paulo
BSI - British Standards Institute
BTAN - Bons du Trésor à Intéret Annuel Normalisé
BUBOR - Budapest Interbank Offered Rate
BVB - Belgische Vereniging van Banken
BVRJ - Bolsa de Valores do Rio de Janeiro
CAD - Capital Adequacy Directive
CBOT - Chicago Board of Trade
CCC - Commodity Credit Corporation
CD - certificate of deposit
CDI - Certificado de Depsito Interbancrio CDR - collateralized depository receipt
CEA - Commodity Exchange Authority
Cedel - Centrale de Livraison de Valeurs mobiles
C&ampF - cost and freight
CFTC - Commodities Futures Trading Commission
CFO - cancel former order
CHAPS - Clearing House Automated Payment System
CHIPS - Clearing House Interbank Payments Systems
CIBOR - Copenhagen interbank offered rate
CIF - cost, insurance and freight
CME - Chicago Mercantile Exchange
CMO - collateralized mortgage obligation
COMEX - Commodity Exchange
CORES - computer assisted order routing and execution system
CPI - consumer price index
CPO - commodity pool operator
CPS - clearing processing system
CRB - Commodity Research Bureau
CSCE - Coffe, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange
CTA - commodity trading adviser
ctd - cheapest to deliver
CTR - computerized trading reconstruction
DA - discretionary account
DAX - deutsche Aktienindex
Dibid - Dublin interbank bid rate
DIE - designated investment exchange
DMI - direct member input
DSR - delivery status report
DTB - Deutsche Terminborse
DTI - Department of Trade and Industry
DVP - delivery versus payment
ECHO - Exchange Clearing House
EDS - enter day stop order
EDSP - exchange delivery settlement price
EEP - exports enhancement programme
EFP - exchange for physicals
EFS - exchange of futures for swaps
EOE - European Options Exchange
EOS - enter stop order
ERA - exchange rate agreement
ETO - exchange traded option
FAS - free alongside ship
FAST - fast automated screen trading
FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
FCOJ - frozen concentrated orange juice
FIBOR - Frankfurt interbank offered rate
FIMBRA - Financial Intermediaries Managers and Brokers Authority
FINEX - a division of the New York Cotton Exchange
f.o.b. - free on board
FOFs - futures and options funds
FOK - fill or kill order
FOM - Finnish Options Market
f.o.r. - free on rail
FRA - forward rate agreement
FRN - floating rate note
FSA - financial services act
FSA - forward spread agreement
FTA - Financiele Termijnmarket Amsterdam
FUTOP - Copenhagen Stock Exchange and Guaranteed Fund for Danish options and Futures
FX - foreign exchange
FXA - foreign exchange agreement
GEMM- gilt-edged market maker
GEMx - German Equity Market index
GFOF - geared futures and options fund
GLOBEX - Global Electronic Exchange
GNMA - Government National Mortgage Association
GNP - gross national product
GTC - good till cancelled order
HFO - heavy fuel oil
Hibid - Hong Kong interbank bid rate
Hibor - Hong Kong interbank offered rate
HKFE - Hong Kong Futures Exchange
HSI - Hang Seng Index
ICC - Intermarket Clearing Corporation
ICCH - International Commodities Clearing House
IDB - intermediary dealer broker
Idem - Italian Derivatives Market
IFOX - Irish Futures and Options Exchange
IMI - International Market Index
IML - Institut Montaire Lunxembourgeois IMM - International Monetary Market
IMRO - Investment Managers' Regulatory Authority
INS - institutional net settlements
IOC - immediate or cancel order
IOM - Index and Options Market
IPE - International Petroleum Exchange
IRG - interest rate guarantee
ISDA - International Swaps and Derivatives Association
ISE - International Stock Exchange
ISEQ - Irish Stock Exchange equity
ISMA - International Securities Market Association
ITM - in the money
JEC - Joint Exchanges Committee
JGB - Japanese Government Bond
Kanex - Kansai Agricultural Commodities Exchange
KCBT - Kansas City Board of Trade
KLCE - Kuala Lumpur Commodity Exchange
KLOFFE - Kuala Lumpur Options & Financial Futures Exchange
KRE - Kobe Rubber Exchange
KSE - Korea Stock Exchange
LAUTRO - Life Assurance and Unit Trust Regulatory Authority
LCE - London Commodity Exchange
LCH - London Clearing House (UK)
LDB - liquidity data bank (US, CBOT)
LEAPS - long term rquity anticipation sevurities
LEPO - low exercise price options
Libid - London interbank bid or deposit rate
Libor - London interbank offered rate
LIFFE - London Interntional Financial Futures and Options Exchange
LOCH - London Options Clearing House
LPG - liquid petroleum gas
LSE - London Stock Exchange
LTOM - London Traded Options Market
MAS - Monetary Authority of Singapore
MATIF - Marché à Terme International de France
MBS - mortgage backed security
ME - Montreal Exchange
MGE - Minneapolis Grain Exchange
Mibid - Madrid interbank bid rate
Mibor - Madrid interbank offered rate
MIF - Mercato Italiano Futures
MIFE - Manila International Futures Exchange
MIT - market if touched order
MKT - market order
MLC - Meat and Livestock Commission
MMI - Major Market Index
MOC - market on close order
MOF - Ministry of Finance
MQP - mandatory quote period
MSCI - Morgan Stanley Capital Index
NASD - National Assocaiation of Securities Dealers
NASDAQ - National Assocation of Securities Dealers Automated Quote
NFA - National Futures Association
NOB - notes over bonds
NSE - Nagoya Stock Exchange
NYBID - New York interbank bid rate
NYBOR - New York interbank offered rate
NYCE - New York Cotton Exchange
NYFE - New York Futures Exchange
NYMEX - New York Mercantile Exchange
NYSE - New York Stock Exchange
NZFOE - New Zealand Futures and Options Exchange
OAT - obligations assumilables de trésor
OBO - order book official
OBX - Oslo Stock Exchange
OCC - Options Clearing Corporation
OCO - one cancels the other order
OFT - Office of Fair Trading
OGE - Osaka Grain Exchange
OIE - Overseas Investment Exchange
OIP - offical index period
OM - OM Stockholm Fondkommission
OMX - Option Market Index
OPEC - Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OSE - Osaka Securities Exchange
OTC - over the counter
OTM - out of the money
OTOB - Oesterreichische Termin und Optionborse
OTT - over the top
P&ampS - purchase and sale
PBOT - Phildelphia Board of Trade
PHLX - Philiadelphia Stock Exchange
PIBOR - Paris interbank offered rate
PLO - public limit order
PLOB - public limit oder board
PMB - Potato Marketing Board
POM - public order member
PPS - protecte payments system
PPI - producer price index
PRS - price reporting system
PSE - Pacific Stock Exchange
RAES - retail automated execution system
RCH - recognised clearing house
RCR - registered commodity representative
RFC - registered floor clerk
RFT - registered floor trader
RIE - recognised investment exchange
RLO - retsricted life option
ROT - registered options trader
RPB - recognised professional body
RPI - retail price index
RSI - relative strength indicator
SAEF - Stock Exchange Automated Execution Facility
SAFE - simulation analysis of financial exposure
SAFE - synthetic agreement for forward exchange
SAFEX - South African Futures Exchange
SCMS - Société de Compensation des Marchés Conditionnels
SDA - Stanza di Compensazione Titoli
SDR - special drawing rights
SEBI - Securities and Exchange Board of India
SEAQ - Stock Exchange Automated Quotation
SEHK - Stock Exchange of Hong Kong
SEPON - Stock Exchange Pool Nominees
SES - Singapore Stock Exchange
SET - Securities Exchange of Thailand
SFA - Securities and Futures Authority
SFE - Sydney Futures Exchange
SIB - Securities and Investments Board
SIMEX - Singapore International Monetary Exchange
SMR - standard Malaysian rubber
SOFFEX - Swiss Options and Financial Futures Exchange
SPAN - standard portfolio analysis of nargin
SQQ - standard qulaity quotation
SRO - Self Regulatory Organisation
STI - Straits Times Index
SWINGS - sterling warrants into gilt-edged securities
SYCOM - Sydney computerised overnight market
TGE - Tokyo Grain Exchange
TIBOR - Tokyo interbank offered rate
TIFFE - Tokyo International Financial Futures Exchange
TIMS - theoretical indicatve margin system
TOCOM - Tokyo Commodity Exchange
TOPIC - teletex output of price informationby computer
TRS - trade registration system
TSE - Tokyo Stock Exchange
TSE - Toronto Stock Exchange

USDA - United States Department of Agriculture

VIBOR - Vienna interbank offered rate
VSE - Vancouver Stock Exchange
WCE - Winnipeg Commodity Exchange
WI - when issued
WTI - west Texas crude

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